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Birds of spray: Hummingbird family drink from sprinkler in photographer's back garden


Stunning: The quick-witted hummingbird hovers in mid-air to drink from the garden sprinkler

These stunning photos show a family of hummingbirds cooling down from the sweltering weather by flying through water from a garden sprinkler.

Photographer Marie Will captured the fantastic images as the birds hovered in the air and refreshed themselves with the cool droplets.

The 39-year-old wears a bright red jumper so that she can get closer to the birds.

Pecking order: The bird is caught mid-flight

She put a garden sprinkler on her lawn and adjusted it to its slowest movement setting in order to photograph the Rufous Hummingbirds in mid air.

Marie said: 'My photographs show the playful, spirit of wild hummingbirds - they look like they are having so much fun, like a child playing with the garden hose.

'I live next to the river which brings in a lot of birds. I usually take the photos in my back garden.

'They like to feed on the plants in may garden and also cool down with the sprinkler.

Angelic: The tiny bird was captured in on camera in Oregon, U.S.

Dropping in for a drink: the colourful birds visit the garden every day

'My home office extends off to a deck that has large glass sliding doors which lead to my garden.

'I put the garden hose with the sprinkler attached close to the deck and set the spray on slow.

'My photography needs good weather because when it is sunny and bright I can capture the bird's beautiful colours.

'Most hummingbirds disappear during cold weather, but my hummingbirds stay here all year round.

'No matter if it snows or not, I am constantly refilling the feeders with sugar water I make." Marie, from Oregon, U.S., added: 'I make sure my cat is put in the house or he chases all my birds away.'

Friend of the birds: Marie Will uses a sprinkler and wears a red jumper to attract hummingbirds to her garden to get her incredible pictures

source : dailymail