This dancing pooch clearly knows his Mambo from his Cucaracha as he dances the salsa on his hind legs in front of his excited owner.
A 35-second YouTube video has become an internet sensation with almost 200,000 worldwide hits.
The lap dog wiggles his hips and wags his tail as he shows the sort of moves that Ann Widdecombe could have done with.
The unknown mutt salsas happily - and in perfect time - to a track called Salsa Dura by New York group La Excelencia.
This four-footed star is a hit with youngsters, in particular. And he looks as though he is searching for a dancing partner to grab by the paw.

Perhaps it will catch on as a craze? We have heard of the fox-trot... well here's the dog-trot.
And if you were wondering how much that doggie in the window is to buy, well, he's priceless.
Or, of course, it could just be clever editing of a dog scratching at a glass door, wanting to be let in from the cold. But it's nearly Christmas, so we will let him have his moment in the spotlight.
source: dailymail