The two creamy coloured puppies were snuggled up together in a ball, nose to tail, and fast asleep. At nearly seven weeks old, they were still very small. And in a few moments I was going to get to take one of these precious bundles home.
I took a deep breath and reached down to pick up the tiny warm puppy, never realising how my life would change and the joy and heartbreak Emma — as we would name her —would bring.
Three months earlier I had never even considered owning a dog. But then my life was changing so quickly these days, I wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Until two years ago I had been resolutely single and independent. Then I had met Ian in May, we’d got engaged in August and were married the following March. To say it was whirlwind was an understatement.

By then I was 43, so having children seemed unlikely. Still, I couldn’t help thinking what a great dad Ian would make. He is so loving, kind and patient that any child would be lucky to have him for a father. Finally, we decided to let nature take its course. If I got pregnant, great. And if I didn’t — well, that’d be fine too. Though in my heart I yearned for a baby.
So I threw myself into it. I took my temperature every morning and charted my cycle. Poor Ian was expected to perform as and when required, not cycle too much and eat all the right foods. Months passed and when I still hadn’t got pregnant, we went to see a consultant.

We left devastated. Blood tests to check my hormone levels indicated I would struggle to get pregnant at all. I listened in a daze — being told you may not be able to have a baby is a shock of cataclysmic proportions. I started on a fertility drug called Clomid. I thought about eggs, cycles, scans and pills constantly, which left me listless and unable to concentrate.
So when Ian’s work offered him a two-week trip to Japan, I leaped at the chance to go with him. And that’s where I fell in love. With a dog.
Extracted from The Puppy That Came For Christmas And Stayed Forever by Megan Rix, published by Penguin price £6.99. © 2010, Megan Rix.
source: dailymail