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TV reporter gets the hump after camel tries to eat her hair


Hungry: Camel caught Virginia news reporter by surprise by trying to eat her hair

A TV news reporter launched into a foul-mouthed outburst after a camel tried to eat her hair.

Virginia local TV reporter Tara Morgan was trying to record a report about animal abuse when the camel started chomping on her tresses

The NBC12 anchor was filming the story in Richmond, when she was interrupted by the hungry camel.

As she started the report the camel appeared to be intrigued by her locks as it leaned down towards her head.

Appetite: The camel nuzzles up to reporter

Then the animal suddenly took a clump of her hair in its mouth and tried to rip it from her head.

The camera man had to stop filming and go to the reporter’s aid to free her hair from the camel’s mouth.

Irony: NBC12 anchor Tara Morgan was filming a story about animal cruelty

It took several seconds for Miss Morgan and the camel to get untangled.

The reporter appeared to have a sense that the report was not going to go to plan.

Seconds before she started filming, she said ‘Thing might not be a good idea’.

'S**t': Presenter shouts swear word as camel pulls her hair

Drama: TV station said neither Miss Morgan or the camel were injured

After her hair was freed from the camel’s mouth she asked the camel, ‘Why are you eating my hair?’

The local station said no animals or reporters were hurt in the taping of the story.

NBC12 Reporter attacked by a camel. "Official Video"

source: dailymail