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Bored teenager sparks outrage after pegging puppy up on washing line and posting photos on Facebook


Cruel: Filipino Jerzon Senador pegged his puppy on a clothes line and posted these photographs of the struggling animal on Facebook

A Filipino teenager has sparked outrage after pegging his puppy out on a clothes line and posting pictures of the helpless animal on Facebook.

Jerzon Senador, from Calamba, Laguna, is likely to face animal cruelty charges after deciding to carry out the stunt because he was bored.

The teenager suspended the struggling puppy from the skin on its back as he took photographs from different angles.

Helpless: The teenager, from Calamba, Laguna, decided to carry out the stunt because he was bored

But he later took the images down and issued a public apology after he was swamped with angry messages from internet users.

More than 3,000 Facebook members have joined a campaign group - 'Jerzon Senador the Animal Abuser' - calling for him to be prosecuted and the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) has launched an investigation.

Animal lovers also took to Twitter to voice their outrage at the stunt.

One user, KenTuriano, said: 'Hang Jerzon upside down on a clothes line.'

Another, IamRHEA16, added: 'Well I guess you can't even go outside now because of your abusive act.'

Backlash: But the stunt could now land him with animal cruelty charges after angry internet users bombarded him with emails

Forlorn: The puppy's owner has since taken the pictures down and apologised for what he did

Mr Senador begged people for forgiveness after removing the pictures from his page.

He said: 'To all animal lovers and to people all over the world please read this.

'I would like to ask for forgiveness for the wrong I've done against my dog. I hope you could forgive me and I promise it will never happen again.'

In May 2010, a student from the University of the Philippines was fined 2000 Philippine peso (£28) and sentenced to two months' community work for killing a cat inside the university campus and bragging about it on his blog.

The case was the first successful conviction of someone accused of animal cruelty in the Philippines.

Jerzon Senador poses with the puppy on his Facebook page. He later wrote: 'I would like to ask for forgiveness for the wrong I've done against my dog. I hope you could forgive me and I promise it will never happen again'

source: dailymail