After the cat in the vat, meet the mewer in the ewer.
Months after a pet named Ksyusha found fame as a feline Houdini, her daughter Niusha is following in her pawprints.
Just as mum was preparing to squeeze into her favourite jam jar, Niusha beat her to it, looking out with an expression of apparent defiance.
She remained there for some time before emerging when it was time for tea.

The cats are of the Himalayan breed, similar to a Persian. They are owned by 37-year-old Yuriy Korotun, who lives in Moscow.
He says both mother and daughter like confined spaces and are fond of curling up in the washing machine.
Ksyusha became a worldwide hit in February after Mr Korotun posted pictures of her on the internet.
At the time he said: ‘She was a special kitten from the beginning, always very playful.’

source: dailymail