A humpback whale, which was freed from almost certain death by three men off the coast of California, repaid the favour to its rescuers with a breathtaking display of breaches and dives.
The amazing hour-long performance by the creature was caught on camera moments after it was cut free from fishing nets.
The whale had a lucky escape after the boat came across the helpless creature which had its tail and flippers entirely trapped.

The boat of whale watchers first thought the humpback was already dead as it was floating on top of the water.
But then it let out a loud breath through its blow hole.
Michael Fishbach decided the best thing to do was to get into the water and snorkel alongside the stricken whale.
He said: 'As I swam alongside the animal our eyes met.
'There were no we could share but I wanted to let the whale know that we were there to help.
'It took some effort to stay focused given the great emotion of the moment.
'The sight of this large and beautiful creature trapped and so close to death was almost overwhelming.

'I must admit I was a bit scared because I knew the whale was frightened and fatigued but could still kill me with one panicked movement.'
He said the whale's tail was so entangled that it was weighed down by about 15ft.
Michael got back on the boat and tried to cut the net off the whale with a small knife.
