It's not often that two ferocious tigers have to beat a hasty retreat from a confrontation.
But it seems that the wrath of a mother bear protecting two cubs on her back was more than enough to scare this pair off.
Wildlife photographer Aditya Singh captured the encounter during a visit to Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan, India.

At first, one tiger crept towards the bear which was drinking from a watering hole and looked ready to pounce.
Just in the nick of time, the bear spotted the big cat and immediately went on the defensive, bounding towards it.
Another tiger then leapt towards the mother bear - but quickly scampered off after she let out an almighty roar.
Mr Singh, 45, who lives on the outskirts of the reserve and visits daily, said he was stunned as he watched the battle unfold.
He said: 'The mother bear was coming from a waterhole and heading across the plateau completely unaware of the tigers.

'The tigress saw them first and instantly she started stalking towards the bear.
'Bears and tigers are two large powerful animals which normally try to avoid each other. But the bear had her cubs with her and so she felt threatened. That's why she charged towards the tiger.
source: dailymail