With their rows of razor-sharp teeth and predatory instinct, the pike rarely meets its match in the water world.
They are adept at pouncing on fellow fish and have been known to eat voles and even ducklings.
But whether it was over-confidence, desperation or just sheer greed, this 12lb pike decided to gulp down a huge carp - and died trying.

The 3ft fish was found floating on the surface of a Suffolk fishery with the 3lb carp stuffed down its throat after choking to death trying to swallow its prey.
It is believed to have prowled the murky depths of a pond there for the last 10 years.
David Walker, who owns Hermitage Fisheries in Clare, near Sudbury, was alerted after the fearsome fish was spotted on the water by one of his regular anglers.
Mr Walker, a farmer who has spent 15 years building the fisheries, said he was stunned by what he saw.

'I went down and I had to get the boat out to row out and see what it was and, to my amazement, it was this 12-and-a-half-pound pike with this 3lb carp stuck down its throat,' he said.
David Plampin, secretary of Bury St Edmunds Angling Association, said such a incident was almost unheard of.
source: dailymail