This cheeky chap is clearly desperate to get the SEAL of approval after popping up and posing for pictures.
The extrovert elephant seal shocked onlookers by springing into action while photographers tried to capture a group of royal penguins at Saint Andrew's Bay in South Georgia near The Falklands.
The fame-hungry seal surprised the excited crowd by suddenly appearing from behind a dune before disappearing and re-appearing several times in an apparent bid to dominate the photo shoot.

French photographer, Michel Watson, captured the entire comic episode on camera while cruising through Antarctica with his wife and several other photographers.
Mr Watson, 64, from Alsace said: 'I was about to take a picture of the penguins when suddenly from the other side of the dune appeared a young elephant seal.
'It stood for about six seconds just staring at us before going back down and disappearing.
'A few seconds later he was standing again and he did this at least 15 times. The whole thing was very bizarre and lasted a good five minutes.
'Soon everyone was trying to get the timing right to get good pictures of the seal rather than the penguins.'
source: dailymail