Chimps have been known to share meat when they find a large carcass, but scientists observing the animals in the wild in Senegal found that chimps 'share' far more than previously thought.
Chimp communities involve so much trade - and such complex relationships - that they are much more like our societies than many of us would care to admit.
Te chimp 'market' that the scientists observed saw chimps sharing food and tools 41 times - in exchange for 'social favours'.

On 27 occasions, male savannah chimps in the Fongoli area of south-east Senegal gave females food and tools.
On several occasions, the trade wasn't quite what you'd imagine of a human 'deal' - it was simply that the male chimp didn't resist when a female ran off with something.
Fongoli males outnumber females - so they have to be polite if they want to have a chance with the other sex, and 'politness' among chimps, it seems, extends to handing over fruit and tools.
Overall, the researchers observed 41 'trades' between the chimps - and say that the extent of the trade shows that the animals are more 'human' than we thought.
The relatively 'complex' lives of the Fongoli chimps - they hunt other animals with spears and shelter in caves - may heighten the frequency of trade among the animals.
It also might offer a glimpse into the past of our own species.
source: dailymail