A herd of dummy sheep on a busy roundabout have been penned off after drivers complained they were going to cause accidents.
The six green sheep are so life-like shocked motorists complained they had to brake sharply, believing they had escaped from nearby fields.
West Sussex county council, which put the sheep on the A27 road junction at Shoreham, then decided to paint them green.

But further complaints have now forced the council to pen them off but the move has divided the town with some people calling for them to be set free.
The sheep, which are part of a sponsorship deal promoting the south downs National Park, have become a hot topic of discussion on social networking sites and forums among people living in Shoreham-by-Sea.
Originally residents wondered who put them there and the local paper even ran a story asking people to come forward.

Many have said they want the cordons removed while others say the sheep are an 'accident waiting to happen'.
One forum user called Fangio said: 'The sheep are green and hardly noticeable. On the other hand the barriers are brightly coloured and draw your attention to them and their contents.'
Another by the name of Oldbean added: 'Personally I think it's terrible they've been penned in like that.' While User Bluecrush said a campaign called 'Free the Sheep' should be started.
source: dailymail