This bird of prey was spotted spinning in the rain when it started to pour while it was feasting on some bugs. The kestrel was spied contentedly munching on the creatures until the rain got too much for it.
Clearly unhappy with being soaked, it gave its head a rapid spin dry to shake the rain off its feathers.

Father-of-three Muayad Amer captured the split second moment on camera near to his home in Julis, Israel. The shutter speed he used meant the kestrel's head became a blur as it shook off the droplets.
The 43-year-old said: 'I'm very pleased with the pictures, it was a very special moment.' Kestrels are not the only birds to have been spotted using this technique to cope with wet weather.

A hummingbird can shake its head with such acceleration that it can reach a g-force of 34 – Formula 1 racing cars typically reach less than 6g.
The bird can perform the maneuver mid-air and takes just 0.1 second to remove all the water droplets from its feathers.
Kestrels are a familiar sight in the UK as well as Israel. They can often be seen with their pointed wings and long tails hovering beside a roadside verge.
There are currently around 36,800 breeding pairs in the UK.
source: dailymail