Try telling someone you caught this 40ft fish that's as big as a whale - because they're unlikely to believe you.
But that's exactly what a group of fishermen will be saying after landing this monster from the deep in the Arabian Sea.
Pictures emerged today of the giant whaleshark being reeled in and brought to port in the Pakistani city of Karachi.

Crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of the beast - believed to be one of the biggest ever caught - as it was hauled out of the water at Charai Fishery.
Two cranes were brought in to pull the eight-ton shark's carcass out. But that failed, so eventually another crane was brought in to complete the task.

The largest confirmed whaleshark was 41ft long but it is thought they can grow to considerably greater lengths.
The shark is found in tropical waters and lives for around 70 years. They feed mainly on plankton, microscopic plants and sometimes small fish.
It has a cavernous mouth that can be up to 5ft wide and contains between 300 and 350 rows of tiny teeth.
The whale shark, a gentle giant of the seas, does not pose a significant danger to humans - and in the past some have even allowed swimmers to hitch a ride on their fins.

source: dailymail