Every newborn puppy will have to be microchipped under proposals to crack down on dangerous animals.
Environment Minister Lord Taylor told peers yesterday he was ‘close to finalising a package of measures to tackle irresponsible dog owners’.
He added: ‘We see microchipping as one measure we can take to address an increasing problem.'

Every puppy born will have a microchip implanted under its skin, in a procedure that costs up to £35 a time. The dog’s details will then be stored on a database, which the police and RSPCA will have access to.
The scheme is expected to be phased in over a period of time, starting with puppies, before being extended to cover Britain’s eight million pet dogs.
In London alone, police seized 1,512 illegal dogs last year – up from just 27 five years earlier. Peers were told that attacks on guide dogs were now running at the rate of seven a month. Lord Taylor said the plan would also help cut the £57million annual cost of dealing with strays which last year saw 6,000 being destroyed. The microchipping idea has the support of both the RSPCA and the Kennel Club.
source: dailymail