-Baby beast has wounds that could be from lions - or humans
-Well-preserved carcass could be as old as 10,000 years
-Find has 'huge significance' say scientists
The body of the beast - the first ever found with its distinctive 'strawberry blonde' hair - has been described as being of 'huge' significance.
It's could be evidence that ancient humans attacked and fed on mammoths in Siberia, with the body of 'Yuka' showing wounds consistent with an attack by lions AND people.

'There is dramatic evidence of a life-and-death struggle between Yuka and some top predator, probably a lion,' said Daniel Fisher, professor of earth and environmental sciences at the University of Michigan in an interview with the BBC.
‘Even more interesting, there are hints that humans may have taken over the kill at an early stage.'
The remains were found by Siberian hunters and handed to the Mammuthus organisation.
Scientists had speculated that some mammoths might have had lighter colouring, based on genetic analysis of bones, but this 'ginger' beast is the first direct evidence.
Yuka is thought to have been two and a half years old when it died, and could be up to 10,000 years old.
Even finding such a complete carcass is very rare. The findings will be shown in a BBC documentary, 'Mammoth: Secrets from the Ice'.

The remains were found by Siberian hunters and handed over to the Mammuthus science organisation
Much of Yuka's soft tissue has been preserved by the intense cold.
Many mammoth remains are found in the form of bones and tusks. To have such a complete body is very rare.
Kevin Campbell, associate professor at the University of Manitoba told the BBC, ‘These are remarkably rare finds and have huge significance.’
source: dailymail