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That's a tight squeeze! Fox trapped in four inch gap between two garages for 36 hours


Filling the gap: A small fox cub managed to get himself wedged in a four inch gap between two walls

This fox cub found himself in a bit of a tight spot after getting stuck in a tiny four inch gap between two brick walls for 36 hours.
The young male managed to wedge himself 10 feet into the cavity between two brick-built garages in Emsworth, Portsmouth.
It was only when a passer-by heard his squeals that the cub was discovered and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service service were called.
Animal rescue specialist Buster Brown attended the scene and had to use chimney rods to reach the distressed fox.
He then used a drill, hammer, bolster and chisel to remove bricks from the garage wall and release the cub.

Lucky break: A passer-by heard the cub and discovered the fox trapped between two garages in Emsworth, Portsmouth

Mr Brown said: 'Once a hole was made I realised the cub had moved slightly so I had to make another. This process took nearly two hours as I had to remove the bricks carefully to ensure I didn’t injure the animal.'
The young fox, who was stuck in the gap for a total of 36 hours, was later released into the wild after Mr Brown had checked it over.

Rescued: The fox cub was eventually freed by fireman Buster Brown after being trapped in the gap for 36 hours

source: dailymail