Consulting the family pet before a big job interview or important life decision is something many Brits will hold their hands up to.
But those who don't have a commiserating kitty or compassionate canine of their own can now indulge in one-on-on therapy sessions with a doggy psychiatrist.
The wacky solution comes off the back of a survey that claims a whopping 85 per cent of all cat and dog owners talk to their animals about relationships, work, family and finance.
When asked why they talk to their beloved pets 59 per cent said it was because they fear they will by judged, embarrassed or at risk of sparking conflict if they share their feelings with their human peers.

Researchers also discovered that a fifth of pet owners use their cats and dogs to rehearse job interview answers and 12 per cent use them to practice their wedding vows. Respondents said by speaking aloud in front of a pet first, they could organise their thought processes and work out exactly what they want to say to relieve worry and stress.
Relationship psychologist Corinne Sweet said: “Pets don’t judge, talk back or complain. Instead they listen well, have open minds and faces and enable their owners to freely unburden themselves.”
The study, taken out by More Than, has prompted the insurance company to hold the first ever 'Dogtor’s Surgery'– offering members of the public therapy sessions with a canine shrink.

Janet Connor, Managing Director for More Than, said: 'While pets might not be able to speak or have the foggiest what’s being said to them, they are looked upon as faithful companions whose loyalty and affection is unwavering.
'The majority of Brits don’t see their pets as substitutes for people, but more as silent friends who they can turn to whenever they need to organise their thoughts or de-stress after a hard day.'
source: dailymail