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Cat-fight at No10: Fur flies in Downing Street dust-up between Cameron's Larry and Osborne's Freya


The PM's cat Larry takes a claw to the neck in the scrap with George Osborne's pet Freya outside Number 10 this morning

David Cameron and George Osborne insist they enjoy a more cordial alliance than some previous occupants of Downing Street.
But their pets are not afraid to get their claws out over who would make a better PM – that is, Prime Mouser.
Just before dawn yesterday, Freya, the Chancellor’s cat, took on Larry, the Prime Minister’s pet, in a very public catfight.

Freya (right) nudges into Larry in the early morning scrap

After circling her opponent with what onlookers described as a ‘deathly stare’, the street’s feisty newcomer attacked.
Larry attempted to put up a fight, but after Freya landed a paw on his neck he was forced to flee back to Number 10.
Witnesses said that relations between the two cats have been strained since Freya usurped Larry from his role of prowling the corridors of power. Larry was appointed Chief Mouser to the Cabinet shortly after he was brought in to deal with the rodent problem on Downing Street in February last year.

The two cats circled each other before Freya went in with a claw to Larry's neck

But his kill rate failed to meet Government targets, and like his owner he became the subject of accusations that he spent too much time ‘chillaxing’.
Swiftly earning a reputation for napping rather than ratting, it took him 18 months to record his first confirmed kill.

Slinking back: Freya gloats as she returns back to her home (left) while Larry cuts a humble figure on the doorstep after his defeat

source: dailymail