It's not enough that this Border Collie cowers from cats, can't go for walks in the dark and bites his nails, he has also become homeless because his owner's can't cope with his cowardice.
Bentley, six, is so nervous that he even hides behind the sofa when he is left alone and his anxiety has reached the level where he has to wear specially-made lace-up mittens on his paws.
Despite being bigger than the average Border Collie, rescuers at the Dogs Trust in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, take him home at night so that he is not on his own.
Sandra Wilson, manager of the kennels, said that Bentley is the most cowardly dog they have ever tried to re-home.
She said: 'Bentley is terrified of cats and chews his nails as a reaction to the stress of being left alone or in the dark.

'He’s good with children and loves human company - all he needs is a second chance.'
Staff at the Dogs Trust discovered just how cowardly he really was after they put him in an observation room to see how he responded to being alone.
He whimpered at the site of a cuddly toy and bit his nails upon hearing a meowing cat on television.
source: dailymail