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The most pampered pets in the world? Two rabbits live life of luxury in a £15,000 HUTCH


Pampered pets: Jason and Mairi Batterbee built a £15,000 hutch for their rabbits Hunnie and Runnie

Rabbits Hunnie and Runnie may just be the two most pampered pets in the world after their owners built them a luxurious £15,000 high-tech hutch.

Instead of a barren brown dirt warren used by their friends in the wild, the pair now have their every hop covered by CCTV camera with infrared facility for night-time observation.

Thanks to owners Jason and Mairi Batterbee of Dersingham, near King’s Lynn, Norfolk, the bunnies have their own separate sleeping quarters in the hutch, which has likened to a log cabin.

Remote control: Jason Batterbee keeps a close eye on his prized pets with mobile-phone operated controls and infrared security cameras

They even have air conditioning and a shutter to keep out bad weather - all of which can be operated by a mobile phone from anywhere in the world.

Hunnie, a male Continental Giant, and female Runnie, of a more indeterminate pedigree, have just moved into the brand new bespoke hutch that would cost up to £15,000 to buy.

They live in harmony alongside two South American iguanas, Zilla and Zubi, and three African Emperor scorpions, housed in separate vivariums in the couple's garden.

The animal-loving pair also have two cuddly but sharp-toothed South American chinchillas, Shelley and Roo, who live in a multi-story cage in the comfort of their lounge in their bungalow.

Fancy fixtures and fittings: Not only does the hutch have infrared security cameras for night monitoring, it also has pine shelves and stainless steel rails

Constant feed: Mr Batterbee is able to watch the camera images on his laptop computer

The hutch is approximately 7ft 6ins long, 4ft high and 3ft deep. It is made from 8x2 pressure treated pine wood with all the fittings handmade out of stainless steel. The total weight is approximately one tonne.

It is constructed in a similar manner to a log cabin with interlocking timbers through which run stainless steel expansion rods to prevent gaps appearing as the wood expands in winter and contracts in the summer.

The front grill and handmade hinges are also of stainless steel as are the banisters of the stairs of this two-storey hutch which incorporates separate bedrooms for each of the two rabbits. The roof is felted and covered in red cedar shingles.

'We switch on the fan in the roof if it should happen to get too hot in the summer,' said Mr Batterbee.

source: dailymail